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Twilight and we were in the air |
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Waiting for the sun to go down and let my eyes adjust to the gathering dark |
We have just got back from 2 weeks in Europe and I was keen to get back in the seat of the Dragon Warrior ZDL and take the plane for my first licenced night flight.
Llewellyn and I got down to Virginia early after closing up at work for the weekend and waited for the sun to sink. Sunset was 5.50pm and night flying is determined as 15 minutes after sunset to 15 minutes before sunrise. Before then we were up in the air and practised a few landings and I re-acqainted myself with the lie of the land before it got dark.
We then did a flight to Ballito and back through King Shaka International airspace and returned for my first night landing at Virginia. Then I flew to the general flying area so I could climb and view the clear nightscape from 2500 feet before returning to Virginia for my second and darker landing. The moon was just peeping up over the seas, so I would have liked to stay a little longer, but supper with my mom was calling. Awesome feeling knowing that I can do it by day or night!!
Landing at night can be a little tricky as there are some illusions created by the darkness... dark areas seem further away than they are and bright areas seem closer. Stars look like they can be aeroplanes coming at you and pilots often land short of the runway as they think the plane is higher than it actually is. But once you get the feel of the landings right, they can be some of the best landings you can make. Awesome stuff.. had a few good ones!!