
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fredenheim and Leopard Rock

ZDL visits Light Flight, Cato Ridge

Flying over the sea from Durban down the coast

5 Planes and their crew fly in to Leopard Rock for breakfast

With the beautiful weather on Saturday 5 planes took off from Light Flight and Virginia and we met up at Fredenheim, a private airfield on the edge of the Oribi Gorge where the airfield owner dropped us ff at Lepard Rock for breakfast. Oribi is about an hour's flight south of Durban, just inland from the coast. We followed the coastline until Hibberdene and then cut inland to Fredenheim.
The Oribi views are breathtaking and we all took some chances perching on the edge of the rock after a scrumptious breakfast. We finished off the morning flying with a stop-over (and bumpy landing on 19) at Light Flight before returning to Viginia.

Here's a link to the full set of ZDL photos.. first red, then white.

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