
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sob, Sob, ZDL in for makeover

So no sooner did I get back from our flight to Winterton in the Red Rocket, it was off to Tedderfield in Johannesburg to return ZDL to The Airplane Factory for anti-corrosion treatment - yes it's bad here by the coast and the factory have decided in the interests of the brand to give their airplanes maximum protection. This means taking ours apart and treating the innards to preserve it's lifespan.. it may even new skins and a complete respray of the plane. It's possible the Red Rocket may be no more and have looked at a new provisional name... Rainbow Warrier. The extent of the respray will depend on what the makers find when they take the skins off.

So it was a journey to Johannesburg for us and a look around the incredible Airplane Factory which is pumping out new Slings, having sold over 105 to date!!! WoW!

Andrew has promised us the plane back in time to fly home after the Sling 100 party mid-September. So it's 6 weeks without wings!!

Marc flies with me to check out progress on his Sling

Mountains en route to Johannesburg

Andrew and director Jean of Th e Airplane Factory with Sling 4

Daniel hard at work putting finishing touches on several Slings

Goodbye Red Rocket

In the back seat of Sling 4 on the way to Lanseria for a Kulula flight home

Sling Director and mad James Pitman waves us goodbye

Johannesburg city in the distance on the way to Lanseria in Sling 4

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