
Monday, July 11, 2011

Gorillas/helicopters in the mist?

Getting up at the crack of dawn usually ensures smooth air, but also an early morning mist/fog blanket that takes an hour or two to clear. I taxied out to the holding point, waited a bit, taxied back and had some more coffee and eventually decided it was ok to take off from 01 as it progressively cleared. The airfields surrounding us were clear and we even had a bit of excitement as a military Puma helicopter paid a visit with a fly past and I was able to capture an action shot as we hurried up abeam while it slowed for us.

My landings are coming along beutifully and I expect to do some more solo in the morning. I have also booked my first PPL exam for next Wednesday and write my Restricted Radio Licence on Monday night. So busy few days ahead.

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