Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Night Rating and PPL revalidation

Thanks Warren (left) from Ayre Aviation for the training for my Night Rating as well as putting me through my paces for my first PPL licence revalidation. I managed consecutive sunset and sunrise flights last night and at the crack of dawn this morning to pass both.
Wow, Durban really is beautiful by night and by day. Unusual last night was the inversion with high winds (up to 65kms per hour rocking the plane, and the high temperatures at 3000 ft - 42 deg c, whereas it was 29c on the ground at 8pm.
Waiting in ZDL at twilight for the growing dark and adjustment to my vision

Catching the sunrise reflected in the window behind one of Ayre's 4 Slings they use for training. I was doing owner training on our own Dragon Warrior ZDL.

As the sun has risen, getting ready to fly out for my revalidation test. A pilot needs to have the first one within 12 months of getting your licence, and every 2 years thereafter.

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